La vita invisibile

Francesca Bonafini

C’è una vita invisibile che dimora in ognuno di noi, custodita con cura oppure respinta o soffocata. È un istintivo moto interiore che incarna il desiderio di cogliere un mistero impossibile da afferrare razionalmente, ma che può essere abbracciato nella sua indecifrabilità. La dimensione sconfinata e vertiginosa della significazione genera una scommessa metafisica. E ci sono voci che, raccontando, creano mondi attraverso i quali giunge a noi una scintilla di infinito. La letteratura racchiude in molteplici forme l’ineludibile domanda di senso che sgorga dalla nostra condizione di animali linguistici. Talvolta accade che questa domanda si condensi nel pronunciare, con fede, la parola Dio. Ma Dio si scorge anche nel dubbio, o in assenza di fede. C’è, tra le righe di ogni scrittura. Perfino quando il grido scaturito dalla mancanza della risposta volge alla bestemmia.
In questo libro, quindici scrittori messi di fronte alla sfida di narrare l’invisibile, provano a tradurre…

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It’s just so difficult! How to use the word ‘just’

About Words - Cambridge Dictionary blog

Audtakorn Sutarmjam/EyeEm/GettyImages

by Liz Walter

Just is a really annoying word for learners of English! It’s very common and we use it in lots of different situations, often with quite different meanings. In this post, I will try to explain some of the most common ways in which we use it – not only on its own, but as a part of some common phrases.

We often use just to talk about when something happens. It can mean ‘a very short time ago’ or ‘very recently’:

I’ve just spoken to Tom. (UK)/I just spoke to Tom. (US)

They had just arrived in London.

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Un po’ di febbre – di Sandro PENNA

la Dimora del Tempo sospeso

Un po’ di febbre

    Da qualche giorno aveva un po’ di febbre. Anzi era certo che si trattasse di un morbo tubercolare. Sapeva, in breve, di dover morire. Però doveva farsi tagliare ugualmente i capelli, e la barba. Certo, aveva capito che anche chi sa di dover morire non può sfuggire alle cose di tutti. I pensieri di un simile stato d’animo sono diversi, sì, da quelli di un altro, ma si finisce coll’andare ugualmente dal parrucchiere. Si fa tutto con quella lenta angoscia che sta in fondo, ma la cosa più triste è appunto quel sapere che non c’è altro da fare che le solite cose.

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2015 National Translation Award Longlist in Prose!


NTA Longlist ProseThe American Literary Translators Association is pleased to announce the 12-title longlists for the 2015 National Translation Awards in Poetry and Prose. Poetry Longlist here!

This is the seventeenth year for the NTA, which is administered by the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA), and the first year to award separate prizes in poetry and prose. The NTA is the only national award for translated fiction, poetry, and literary nonfiction that includes a rigorous examination of the source text and its relation to the finished English work.

Featuring authors writing in 11 different languages, from 12 countries, this year’s longlists expand the prize’s dedication to literary diversity in English.

Books eligible for this year’s award include titles published anywhere in the world in the previous calendar year (2014) that were translated into English. The selection criteria include both the quality of the finished English language book, and the quality of the…

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Per sempre/Forever by Arabella Bertola

Tacco dodici, rossetto umido appena inumidito. Non può essere che lei. A disagio nel tanfo insopportabile. Senza saperlo, batte il tempo di una storia minima. Qui ai margini. Dove anche la scrittura si perde sotto lamiere bucate e infestate di buio. Acrilico nero sopra piscio giallo.

Viaggi/Journeys by Arabella Bertola

an endless train(ing)
which sets
#words and #identities
in motion forever.


In the Media: 11th January 2015

#TizianaSferruggia hits
The Writes of Woman
Reviews of books by female writers

The Writes of Womxn

In the media is a weekly round-up of features written by, about or containing female writers that have appeared during the previous week and I think are insightful, interesting and/or thought provoking. Linking to them is not necessarily a sign that I agree with everything that’s said but it’s definitely an indication that they’ve made me think. Also, just a note to make it clear that I’m using the term ‘media’ to include social media, so links to blog posts as well as traditional media are likely.

K Barbican PK

(Photograph by Pedro Koechlin)

As it’s the first In the Media of the year, I’m going to begin by looking back at 2014 for a moment with pieces that appeared between Christmas and New Year. Katherine Angel’s brilliant piece, ‘Gender, blah, blah, blah‘ in The Los Angeles Review of Books; Jessie Burton, ‘Eggshells, Luck, Hope and Thanks‘ on her…

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Piacere, Elena Ferrante/Pleased to meet you, Elena Ferrante by Miryam Pacifico

Recensione di Storia della Bambina Perduta di #ElenaFerrante scritta da se medesima.
di Miryam Pacifico
Traduzione in inglese di Matilde Colarossi

parallel texts: words reflected

Piacere, Elena Ferrante

Di Miryam Pacifico

Recensione de Storia della Bambina Perduta di Elena Ferrante scritta da se medesima.

Carissimi lettori che mi avete seguito fin qui in questo percorso lungo i miei quattro racconti, prima di ritornare nell’ombra della mia anonima vita scrivo due righe sul mio ultimo romanzo. Il mio libro non è certo un capolavoro e dopo la mia uscita di scena sono sicura che di esso non ne rimarrà traccia alcuna. Mi vergogno molto del fatto che nella ricerca spasmodica della mia identità abbiate scomodato fior fiori di autori ai quali non sono certo degna di essere accostata ma una cosa lasciatemela dire: se esso come gli altri riscuoterà un certo successo pur essendo, e ne sono perfettamente consapevole, un grosso imbroglio con troppi personaggi, troppi nomi e troppe parentele, il motivo, secondo la mia modesta opinione è che, a prescindere da chi voi lettori siate…

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Clowns/Clown by Mati Colarossi

Life is a circus 🙂

parallel texts: words reflected


The clown twirled. The cyst-like tip of his long shoe dug into the gold star on the circus floor, his red and white costume ballooned. Like a top, it spun.

“Boys and girls, the one, the only, Dozo the clown….”

His knobby chalk-white index cut the light. The sound, accompanied by a drum-roll, shook the air.

The spot light followed his finger as it stopped at a place in the bleachers.

“…and he wants you!”

I shuddered, yelled.


A hand shook my shoulder.


I squinted in the light that filled the room overlooking the sea.

“Bad dream again? The studio called. You have to shoot the clown scene again.”

My eyes found my wife. She smelled of fresh coffee.

“What time is it?”

“Nine. Breakfast’s ready.”

I rolled my eyes under closed lids, playing with the sperm-like particles that swam in the pink light.

“Don’t go. Stay…

View original post 479 altre parole

Mr. Mulligan by Michael Alenyikov

My translation of Mr Mulligan, a beautiful story by Michael Alenyikov.

parallel texts: words reflected

Mr. Mulligan

by Michael Alenyikov

They hung Mr. Mulligan by his shirt collar in the clothes closet. They could do this because Mr. Mulligan was short–five feet two inches tall–and because he was meek. Even the girls joined in. It was like a lynching. They hung him at the end of the school day, which meant it would be a long time before anyone could find him. Our classroom was on the top floor in the rear, and the school janitors began the after school clean up on the first floor, in the front.

I don’t know if they knew this precisely, those twenty or so boys and girls. And it wasn’t as though there was even a ring leader. I stood back and watched. I didn’t call for help, so it wasn’t as if I were innocent. Mr. Mulligan whimpered as they hung him–some of the boys were already…

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